


Many types of interventions for younger children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can also help older children and teenagers – for example, interventions based on the principles ofApplied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).


Programs that have been developed specifically for older children and teenagers should take into account the fact that there’s often a mismatch between an older child’s cognitive or developmental age and her age in years. For example, your child might be 13 but be more like a nine-year-old in emotional development and behaviour.


These therapies and interventions should also help your child with the skills and understanding he needs to go through puberty, build healthy self-esteem and social relationships, manage romantic and sexual feelings and deal with any adolescent low moods and mood changes.


Below we list some types of interventions you might want to think about for your older child with ASD.


You’ll want to make sure that the time, energy and money you invest in interventions are worth it. Two key questions can help you choose worthwhile interventions: is the intervention supported by reliable evidence? Will it be a good fit for my family? Your state or territory autism association can help you find local interventions.


Social skills training

Social skills training can include teaching children and teenagers to read non-verbal cues such as eye contact, body language, tone of voice and facial expression. It often includes skills such as seeing things from other people’s perspectives, solving social problems and understanding social and emotional rules.


Your child might be able to do some social skills training one on one with a therapist or teacher, or as part of a group. Some programs include outings so your child can try out her new skills in the community. This helps her apply the skills she’s learned in one setting to other settings, situations and people.


Some social skills programs are designed by a therapist or a teacher for a specific child or group of children. Others might be run by someone who is trained to use a particular program, such as the Secret Agent Society program, the Social Thinking Program or Stop Think Do.

一些社交技能训练是由治疗师或老师专门为某个孩子或某类孩子设置的。其它的训练可能会由相应项目的专业人员负责,比如Secret Agent Society(SAS)项目,Social Thinking项目或者Stop Think Do项目。

Cognitive behavioural therapy


Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is based on the idea that how we think, how we feel and how we act are all related. That is, the way we think about something will shape our feelings and our behaviour. For example, negative or unrealistic thoughts can cause us to feel bad, which in turn affects how we behave, and the choices we make.


For example, if your child thinks, ‘Nobody likes me and I’m never going to have any friends’, he’s likely to feel sad and lonely, and his actions will reflect this. He might hang out by himself or close himself off to opportunities to mix with other children.


CBT could teach your child to replace this negative thinking with something more positive and realistic. This could be, ‘It’s hard to make friends but I’m a good person and I’m going to keep trying’. This will help your child feel better about herself, so she’s more likely to try to socialise with her peers.


CBT programs also often teach relaxation strategies that your child can use to reduce and manage anxiety associated with ASD.


Cartooning strategies

Cartooning strategies use visual symbols to help children and teenagers with ASD understand social situations. By drawing cartoons, children can turn abstract or confusing events into pictures that they can understand and think about with the help of an adult.


For example, your child is sent to the principal’s office after a playground conflict. Your child could draw the situation as a cartoon, using speech bubbles. An adult could then talk about what happened with your child.


Peer training


Interventions that use peer training teach typically developing children – for example, siblings or classmates – strategies for playing and interacting with children who have trouble with social skills. This means that when your child plays and socialises with the typically developing kids, your child has more and better opportunities to develop social skills.


For example, classmates might be taught to appreciate how everybody is different, how to start an interaction with a child with ASD and how to keep that interaction going.


Self-management techniques

Children with ASD can develop independence by learning to regulate their own behaviour.


One way for them to do this is by recording how often a particular behaviour happens using tick sheets, stickers or a wrist counter. For example, your child’s goal might be to stay sitting down until he’s finished eating. If he does this, he puts a sticker in his book.

